Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Kung Fu Biker" Survives Accident

Now I bet everybody has heard about this traffic-accident-turned-awesomesauce in China. For those who have not, here's the vid:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Blogging. That's something new to me. Pretty new in fact that I haven't been able to make a post in this blog since I set it up about a month ago. Anyway, to kick start this thing off, let me give a brief self-introduction. Here you may call me Xperimental00, human, male, 19 years of age as of this date and, without regards to any genealogical paper, a full-blooded Filipino as the current blog title suggests. I also love to draw (see About Me) and one of my intentions in creating this blog is to shamelessly post my works, some of which you might also find in my deviant ART page. That's it, business is done so I guess I'll see you around everyone.