Friday, January 14, 2011

Badass Mecha of the Week # 2: Viper 2

Ever played Virtual On? You've probably did if you've ever been to the arcade back in the '90s, or played in the Sega Saturn console like I did a few years back. This week's Badass Mech is from the Virtual On series. It is, no she is, my favorite VR in the game, TRV-06-E Viper 2.

I won't bother to bore you with its scant background and technical information. Instead I'll just tell about my own experience playing it in the game which is pretty much similar to what you'll find elsewhere in the Net. Only a little original of course.

A short description of Viper 2 is that it's a very agile virtuaroid, with some emphasis on aerial mobility. This is made possible by plenty of thrusters and a pair of wing binders.

Viper 2 is armed in its right hand with a vulcan cannon which can also launch missiles and project an energy sword in between its "claws" — yeah, a weapon that can do just about anything. On its chest is a beam launcher, a cannon that fires a powerful homing beam, a direct hit from which can shave about half off the health bar of an enemy virtuaroid.

If that ain't badass enough for you, it has a cool special attack: the SLC ram. SLC stands for "She's lost control", which is apparently the last words of a dead test pilot. When doing the SLC ram, the Viper 2 empties all its energy into its thrusters, Kamikaze crashing into it's opponent. Frankly though, given the graphics of the Operation Moongate game I played, I really thought the VR is riding it's own homing beam when performing the ram. XD

Viper 2 is extremely fast, which lives up to the Virtual On series' fast-paced gameplay. Having played with it, I really enjoyed dashing all over the arena in seconds, jumping and staying up for quite a long while, and even performing aerial stunts when attacking mid-air. It has however, like last week's Kampfer, paper-thin armor. It is not uncommon that in a single playthrough, your VR can end up like this:

Borrowed some elements of this post here.


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