Saturday, March 5, 2011

Slug Alert: A Flash Minigame

This blog ain't dead! I haven't been posting anything for a while for, well, academic reasons. For instance, I and three of my classmates have spent these past two days doing a Flash game for our Game Programming class. It's a simple three level evading game, with each level lasting for a mere 20 seconds. My friends did all the programming and I'm in charge of the graphics. We're done with it and, having gotten the permission, I'll be posting it here in my blog.

You can read the rules in-game but I guess I'll just have to write it here for the sake of simplicity. You can only move left and right. For that, Player 1 uses keys A and D for the left and right movement respectively. It's Player 2 counterpart would be the left and right arrow keys. To play, you'll just have to collect those green food thigies for points while avoiding all the free-falling objects which deduct points. Careful though, because due to some unidentified errors, they can reduce your score greatly, which accidentally adds some thrill to the game ;P.

PS: I guess I have to point out that the first commenter below and her group helped with critiques and shared ActionScript codes just to name a few.



blooohdini said...

ang balde brand new...and wala gabunggo sa character same sa gna buga sang volcano unlike sang mga maso kg blocks daw realistic..kag ang score negative..pwo in fairness..ang fact nga 2days lng gin spend sa pang-ubra..daw mau naman..

ChristianRoy Somcio said...

Gane, kulang lang gid time. Kag less than six hours ma lang polishing ko ka ran hadluk pa ko magtandug codes so as is lang anay.

blooohdini said...

next time kng mag present ka..make use of some feelings man bi..indi lng puro facts..super direct..super proud..explain man na feel mu sang gaubra ka game kg sang matapos na..add something that any person can relate to..cold..

ChristianRoy Somcio said...

Sa sunod ah.

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